Thanks From The Troops

I haven't been able to find a steady job since being disabled two years ago. My wife has been working full time to try and make ends meet while I stayed home with our three-year-old son. It was working out fine until our second baby was due and she didn't work (or get paid) during her pregnancy leave. The three weeks she took off to have the baby put us behind on bills and we were getting calls saying our payments were late and if we don't pay they will cut our services off. Luckily, we found the Coalition. The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes was a blessing and an answer to many tearful prayers.

Sidney Hodges III
U.S. Army (ret.)


Without the help of CSAH, my family and I would be homeless.  We were facing being evicted and CSAH came along and paid our rent allowing us to get back on our feet. My wife and children are so glad to have the security of our home. Thank you so much for the security you have given our family. One less thing to worry about right now.

 Juan G. Perez
U.S. Army (ret.)


We had a good and financially stable life prior to my two tours in Iraq. I lost my career as a police officer and another part time job due to my combat injury. We are still dealing with the aftermath on a daily basis. The assistance we received from the Coalition has lifted the financial weight from our shoulders. My wife and I went shopping for groceries and were able to finally stock the refrigerator. Our 3-year-old daughter was so happy and excited to help us unload the bags. We were able to provide her with a lot of her favorite foods (especially the cans of "Dora the Explorer" spaghetti O's) Your assistance is greatly appreciated and we cannot thank you enough.

Christopher Edward Murphy
USMC (ret.)



Coalition donors helped me when I was in a financial bind.  At one point I desperately needed help to catch up on my house payments and phone service.  I asked for $2,300 and they were right there to help.  I can’t say enough about what they did for us.  They were there for us.  The coalition has to be the greatest veterans service organization out there.
If it wasn’t for the Coalition I would probably still be living in an apartment wondering about what I was going to do.  I was able to focus on myself and get the job I have now.  I was also able to stay in my house before they foreclosed on me.
It makes us vets feel very very good about our service and makes us extremely happy that we are remembered.

Michael Sparks


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the Easter gift check. It really means a lot to me and my family. Knowing that there are organizations that look after those who are injured trying to return to civilian life is greatly appreciated.

Kurt W. Ritterbusch
USN (Ret)



If it had not been for the assistance of the Coalition, we probably would have been homeless.  They helped us with every bill we had, provided us with grocery gift cards and did so with no hesitation. We had nothing, no income of any kind and I was at my lowest point since I’ve been home. That’s when the Coalition stepped in and my appreciation and thanks could go on forever.  Thank you CSAH for your support of me and my family and others like me. They really care for injured soldiers and their families and will do all they can to help you.

Jason B., St. Augustine, FL


Not a day goes by that we don't think about your generosity and the fact that we don't have to think about losing our house or having one of the utilities cut off due to non-payment. And be able to get groceries without worrying about bouncing a check . . . we are so thankful there is an organization that helps people (not just us) during difficult times like ours.  

Melissa and Jeremy W.



“This has been the hardest year of my life. I have had to learn to walk, talk and be humble enough to admit I need help. Help with my wounds, but especially with keeping my family going.
That is where the Coalition saved my life. They helped me pay some basic necessities to keep my family fed, clothed and moving along while I continued my therapy. It allowed me to be both mentally and physically capable while not worrying about if I would be able to support my family and keep food on the table. Without the help from the Coalition, I really don’t think I would be as far in my rehabilitation.”

Bobby E., Fort Sam Houston, Texas 

I thank God for the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes. They helped with food, clothes and gas to get to my doctor's appointments. May God bless each and every person connected with your organization and be assured my family and myself will never forget what you have done for me.

Alfred Simon
USMC (ret.)


I was overwhelmed by your generosity. You were a gift to my life that allowed my children to receive gifts at Christmas and to eat a wonderful dinner. I don't know where I would be now without you and the financial support given my family - and I am happy I don't have to find out.

Valerie D.


Our whole life has changed because I'm now confined to a wheelchair. We are having trouble meeting all of our bills because my wife has not been able to work since I have been injured.

Steven Halloway, Jr., Royal Palm Beach, Florida




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